Membership for NFoP is:
Student (up to 18 years old or w/ valid school ID) - $10.00
Individual/Adult - $15.00
Family - $20.00
*Cash, checks, and credit cards will be accepted at the meetings. If you would like to mail your payment, please make checks payable to:
Las Vegas Natural History Museum
900 Las Vegas Blvd. N.
Las Vegas, NV 89101
Please note in the check memo line that it is for NFoP Dues*
Student (up to 18 years old or w/ valid school ID) - $10.00
Individual/Adult - $15.00
Family - $20.00
*Cash, checks, and credit cards will be accepted at the meetings. If you would like to mail your payment, please make checks payable to:
Las Vegas Natural History Museum
900 Las Vegas Blvd. N.
Las Vegas, NV 89101
Please note in the check memo line that it is for NFoP Dues*